Friday, January 7, 2011

Never say the "q" word.

There are a lot of lessons to be learned when one is starting at a new hospital. Every care area has its own distinct culture, its own rules and guidelines, but there was one that seemed to exist no matter where you are in this hospital... never, ever say the "q" word.

I have been here a WEEK and already that one is so ingrained into me that when a new nurse let it slip this evening while I was shadowing one of the Residents, and I flinched. After the Resident introduced me, she asked how things were that night, and he said; "Quiet so far!"

They came down on him like a ton of bricks, and everyone glanced at their pagers, just waiting to get called to some kind of traumatic event. It didn't happen right away, but not too long after we got called down to the Emergency room for an evaluation of a patient who had just arrived. After we left, we put a flag on the chart... we suspected we were looking at a child abuse scenario.

Never, ever, say the "Q" word.

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