Saturday, January 8, 2011

This made my weekend.

So far, everyone following me (Bless all three of you) are also my friends on Facebook, so this won't be anything that you didn't already know, but I am putting it here as well for posterity and because at the moment I am pretty much of the opinion that this really can't be shared enough, no matter where you are. Seriously, I am this close to calling in to local radio stations and trying to get them to talk about it.

Egyptian Muslims attend Coptic Christmas Services as Human Shields

In a world where so often we are told to view things as black and white, stories like this break our assumptions and force us to think twice about things we may have taken for granted in the past. It is entirely too easy for us to think of Muslims (Especially those in the Middle East!) as Christian hating terrorists. And they're not. THEY'RE NOT! They are provably not, to the point that they put themselves in danger (Extremists have had a rash of attacks on the Copts recently, including an attack that left 28 dead on New Years Eve) so that their fellow Egyptians can worship. That puts me in such a good mood, I think I'm gonna go out and spend this Pizza Hut coupon my church gave me for Christmas.

Tell people about this, when you get the opportunity. This is good news, blessed news, it's darned near a miracle. And if you're objection to me giving it that label is; "But Dan, they're Muslims," remember that all truth is Gods truth, and the first people to praise Christ without prompting were the Magi from the east.

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